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Why resolutions might be causing you to fail.

The promise of a New Year makes us start to think about all the things we want and feel we need to change. We make ourselves promises that, come the 1st of January in a shiny New Year, we believe we can follow through with.

This time it will be different, right?

The New Year will give us more confidence, will-power, self-belief, or whatever else we need to make those resolutions happen.
But, what if those resolutions are setting you up to fail?

You’ve made yourself the promise that you will (insert your resolution here), but what have you done to make sure you can follow through with it?

Really, nothing has changed other than the date in the year. You’ve not suddenly got more will-power, you’re not magically more determined, the same things that stood in your way before are still there and you don’t suddenly have new tools to help you make those changes happen.

So, how can you do things differently this year? How can you make the changes you want to make and feel the way you want to feel?

1. You can start by thinking about what changes you want to make, maybe even write them down.

2. Next, think about the things that have got in your way before. Time, money, other people, lack of support, self-sabotage, the voice in your head telling you that you can’t. Again, write them all down and then think about how you could deal with these things this time.

3. You can ask friends and family for their support, you could team up with other people who want to make these changes too, you could try different methods that you’ve not tried before or you could work with someone like me. I’ve been helping people shift their mindset and transform their lives for years and I’d love to help you too.

This can be the year that you create the life you dream about and make the changes you long to make, but you need to know what those changes are and have a plan of how to make them happen. Resolutions set us up to fail because they make us believe that a New Year is enough of a motivation, but it’s not. You need to do more to make sure that those changes are possible and achievable.

Remember though, with the right tools and support you can do anything you set your mind to and create the life you want to live.

Ps. If you would like help to make changes or to improve your life in any way then feel free to contact me for more information and details of any special offers.
Change can be difficult, but it’s easy when you know how!