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Therapeutic Life Coaching and why it works.

Why I developed my Therapeutic Life Coaching and what makes it so different.

I don’t know about you but I tried all sorts of things to change my life over the years. I’ve been to various counsellors, I’ve read so many self-help books, I’ve tried all the so called ‘alternative’ therapies and natural remedies, I’ve even waited months on the doctor’s waiting list (on more than one occasion!) to see a ‘psychotherapist’ and have gone through the CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) that comes with it. Honestly, I’ve tried it all over the years.

But none of it really worked. Sometimes I’d feel a bit better for a while but it would always come back. And I couldn’t understand why. It must be me! There must be something wrong with me and that’s why I just can’t do it properly. But that’s not true and I know that now. Because I see others ‘in therapy’ for months, often years, and with very little to show for their time, money and effort. What a waste of energy when you have so little to spare.

But then I discovered a man called Joseph Clough, an amazing coach who showed me the way and trained me in how to help others too. And that’s when everything changed for me.

And so now I’ve developed my own unique version and I call it Therapeutic Life Coaching.

Because often when we long to change things, we can make plans and try really hard to achieve it but it just never happens, at least not fully. Maybe here we might try Life Coaching to get some support and a push in the right direction. But your life probably won’t fully change, and this is because of things that may have happened in your past. Things that might have knocked your confidence or given you a belief that you’re not good enough or you don’t deserve it. Maybe certain life events have had a huge emotional effect on you and you don’t want to get hurt or be fearful again. So maybe in that case you might try some kind of therapy to sort those out.

But sorting out your past and redesigning and building a new future are not mutually exclusive and they need to be tackled together, it’s not one or the other. So that’s what my Therapeutic Life Coaching is and that’s why it works so amazingly and in a short space of time. Because we first clear out all the old emotions and beliefs from your past, that may have served you well at the time but are now no longer needed in your current life. Once these have been cleared away, we can build up your confidence and self esteem, redesign the new kind of life you desire and make firm plans to get you there. And with all the old stuff gone and your new-found confidence, you will be amazed at how much easier it will be to live the life of your dreams at last.

I absolutely love it and it’s so powerful. Why not try it for yourself and see.

Ps. If you would like help to make changes or to improve your life in any way, then feel free to contact me for more information and/or sign up for new info and special offers.
Change can be difficult, but it’s easy when you know how!