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Coronavirus Safety Policy

In view of the current coronavirus guidelines issued by the government and the opening up of business again, I have taken all necessary steps to ensure that you can still attend for your therapy and at the same time minimise risk for both of us.


I have undertaken a risk assessment as prescribed and have concluded that in the current position any risk to either of us remains quite low. This is because my therapy room can accommodate both of us at a 2m distance, I already leave a sufficient gap between clients so that they do not overlap and therefore no customer has to wait for their appointment in a communal area. In addition to these important aspects I will also be taking the following general precautions:

  • There will be a cleaning table to the left as you enter the therapy room where you will be asked to cleanse your hands with antibacterial hand gel and to put on a clean face mask which will be provided for you.
  • I will also cleanse my hands with antibacterial gel and wear a clean face mask.
  • All high touch areas will be cleaned between clients using anti-bacterial wipes, in particular door handles, tables, chair arms, mats, etc. Wipes will be available for your use if you wish to feel more assured.
  • Hot drinks and refreshments won’t be provided for the time being but there will be fresh water and disposable cups.
  • Any waste can be immediately disposed of into a small individual plastic bag which can be sealed before being thrown away in the bin provided.
  • The therapy room will be well ventilated and aired between clients to ensure fresh air at all times.
  • If you need them, toilet and bathroom facilities will be kept clean and disinfected at all times and will be recleaned between clients. In addition to this, hand wash and paper towels for drying will be provided and disinfectant wipes will also be available for your use if you require them.


Please do not come for your appointment if you have any symptoms of the coronavirus or you have been in contact with any other person in the last 14 days who has had such symptoms. If you do have to cancel your appointment then please give as much notice as you can.

These precautions are being taken because your safety is paramount and so I ask that you help us both by complying as much as you possibly can. If you feel that you are extra vulnerable then it is up to you to make the decision whether you feel safe to attend.

I have written this policy with the information available at this time from both the government and the industry leaders. If the government issue further guidance then I will incorporate those additional measures where necessary.

If you require any further help or information then please do get in touch and together we can sort it out.