A very warm welcome – it’s so nice to meet you
Hey, how’s life? Not good, I bet? Well don’t worry because your in the right place and I can definitely help you.
Have you had enough? Are you fed up? Exhausted with it all? Do you feel like you’re hanging on to that last scrap of sanity by your fingertips?
Are you feeling like a failure because so much is expected of you? You’re supposed to be strong, right? You’re always trying to do your best but it never seems like it’s good enough. And you’re so exhausted with it all.
When did you lose control of your life? I know, it crept up on you from behind while you weren’t looking and now it’s too late. And it feels like it’s affecting every area of your life – your work, your relationships, your self-esteem, your health and your energy. If only you could regain that control, things would be different.
And I know you’ve tried, so many times, but it’s just not happening for you. Maybe it changes a little bit but it never lasts, why is that? If only there was something that really worked. Well there is and you’ve found it. I can show you how to change things and it’s going to be so easy and enjoyable, you’ll wish you’d found me sooner.
Let me show you how.
Hi, I’m Sue Spencer
Let me tell you why I’m so different and why you can definitely put your trust in me.
I’ve been where you are now, I’ve probably been through what you’re going through. I tried so many things over the years to make positive changes and to right the wrongs but whatever I tried never seemed to work for me, or if it did then it was only temporary. That is until I discovered some amazing coaching therapies that changed the things in my mind completely so that I could get on and enjoy my life again. I could be who I wanted to be and I could be happy at last. But I feel like I wasted years of my life and a shed load of money on therapies that just didn’t yield results. And I don’t want that to happen to you.
So what is it that I do and why is it different? The therapy I do is a mixture of things and that’s why it covers all bases. It’s life coaching and personal support, counselling and an unbiased listening ear, mind therapies like NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming – changing the way you think and see things in the future), Time-Line Therapy (to let go of all the old stuff from your past), a massive amount of life experience, huge amounts of empathy and understanding, a friend on your side and a results driven focus to make sure that you have every chance of success.
I hate to see people suffering and thinking that this is all there is to life, that things will never change. Well they can change and I will show you how.

How Can I Help You?

Online Programmes
Online programmes to work through at your own pace whenever you like.

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Let Me Tell You How This Works
Did You Know …..?
The mind is a wonderfully complex computer, much more amazing than any piece of machinery that has been, or ever will be, made. But would you run your computer at home or work on old programs and systems that didn’t give you the results you wanted and that wasted time and effort going over the same things again and again, only to discover that nothing got done and nothing really changed?
No, you wouldn’t, that’s just crazy!
But yet that’s what can happen with our own minds. We end up running our life on old belief systems and old habits from years ago. Things that get stuck in our minds from past experiences and even from our childhood mean that we continue to act in a certain way, without even realising it’s happening. And this ends up producing results that may have been valid then but certainly aren’t valid now.
Do you ever wish that you could change but just can’t seem to discover what’s stopping you? What’s holding you back or making you behave in a certain way when you really wish that things could be different. Because you long for things to be different but it’s just not happening for you, however hard you try.

Well things CAN be different! All it takes is for you to run those ‘updates’ for your mind. I can help you to update your mind’s computer programs and systems so that it can run on the most up to date information for where you are today. When you’re no longer trapped by the past, you can do anything that you put your mind to. However you want to live your life and whatever you want to do with it can EASILY be yours. So if you want to make changes in your life, whatever they are and however big or small, then get in touch to arrange an appointment now. The sooner you do it, the sooner you can get on and live the life you’ve always wanted to live.
FREE 30 Min Telephone Consultation
If you’re even pondering the possibility of a better life then go ahead and complete this form to book in your FREE 30 minute telephone consultation with me. We can have a chat about your needs and about how I can help you. Fill in the form and I will contact you as soon as possible.
This could be the start of your amazing new life!