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5 Session Help Package

or Single Sessions

image of a crazy mind

Are you fed up? Exhausted with it all? Do you feel like you’re hanging on to that last shred of sanity by your fingertips? Are you feeling like a failure because so much is expected of you? You’re supposed to be strong, right? Yet it seems like you’re always trying to do your best but it’s never good enough. And you’re oh so exhausted with it all.

When did you lose control of your life? I know, it crept up on you from behind while you weren’t looking and now it’s too late. And it feels like it’s affecting every area of your life – your relationships, your work, your self-esteem, your health and your energy.

And you’ve tried to change things in the past but it just never seemed to work? Should you just accept it and get on with things? Because you could do, in fact that’s exactly what you’ve been doing for quite a while now. But what a grind that is, every day the same, feeling like there’s something missing from your life but not really knowing what it is or how to get it. 

If only there was a way you could regain that control and get your life back on track. Well there is, and you’ve found it. You don’t have to live like this and you don’t have to just put up with things. You don’t have to continue to drag yourself through every joyless day for the rest of your life, painting on that false smile and pretending that you’re ok when really you’re not. I completely get how you’re feeling, I really do. And I know how exhausting it can be. Because I’ve been helping people exactly like you for many years. Amazing people who have lost the will to fight any more, who have been knocked down so many times, they wonder if it’s really worth getting up again. And I can help you too. Together we can change things so that you can be truly happy again. It really is possible! 

Here are a few things that I will help you to do:

  • To clear out and let go of all those old unwanted emotions from the past. All that hurt and anger, those feelings of guilt along with the fear and the sadness and other mixed up emotions you’ve managed to collect over the years. You don’t need them anymore so I will help you to keep the good stuff and get rid of all the rubbish. Just like wiping the slate clean so you can start afresh without it all getting in the way again.
  • To unjumble all the mixed-up happenings from your past so that you can see things more clearly, helping you to regain control of your life from now on. And when you’re back in control of your life things are so much easier for you, allowing you to do absolutely anything you desire.
  • To realise at last that you are good enough and you are lovable. I will help you to build up your confidence and your self-esteem, which has taken a fair few knocks over the years, and to anchor your new amazing feelings so that you can access them whenever you need to. And when you feel confident and happy again you can find joy in everything you do.
  • To start to look forward to, and to plan, a much brighter future for yourself, the one you’d given up hope of ever having, but together we can make it possible. I can help you to live the life you want, being your true self and doing whatever brings you joy and happiness from now on. How amazing will your life be when you feel calm again and back in control once more? When you’re happy with yourself and your life, when you love who you are and feel confident in everything you do.
  • And the truly amazing thing is that you will realise that the constant chatter inside your head has stopped at last and has been replaced by that elusive inner peace. That true happiness and contentment that you could never find.

Click here for more information about what to expect.

So how can you sign up and what do you get?

You will get all the amazing things I’ve already mentioned, and this is how we will do it. In this 5 session help package you will get:

  • 5 personal one-to-one sessions with me (90 mins each)
  • Continued online support throughout whenever you need it
  • A chance to get 3 audio recordings of your up-building mind therapy sessions to keep and listen to whenever you want (Only if you pay for all 5 sessions together)
  • An additional free 30 min follow up telephone/online session 6-8 weeks after completion to check you’re still on track
  • Welcome pack.


And you can sign up by clicking this button

So who am I and why can I help?

Hi, I’m Sue and I know exactly how you feel because, honestly, that used to be me. I have lived a fair few years and have had a full and varied life in every sense of the word – been there, done that, bought the t-shirt as they say! I’ve learned so much over the years and have tried many ways to change things, with either little or no success. And I've learned to evolve and grow over time, making mistakes and learning lessons, but it was slow going.

That is until I found the type of Therapeutic Life Coaching that I do myself now, along with the amazing tools that have changed my life. And it's because it helped me so much that I immediately decided to train in it myself, so that I could help as many people as possible to live a much happier life, just like me. I love seeing amazing people, just like you, change and grow right in front of my eyes; it's so rewarding. And I can't wait to help you too.

What is it that I do?

It’s a mixture of life coaching and personal support, counselling and an unbiased listening ear, mind therapies like NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming – changing the way you think and see things in the future), Time-Line Therapy (to let go of all the old stuff from your past), a massive amount of life experience, huge amounts of empathy and understanding, and a results driven focus to make sure that you have every chance of making those changes. It's a winning combination!

To read more about my story click here

Here are a few things that people are saying after they have worked with me:

“Coaching sessions with Sue are life enhancing. All I can say is, everyone should have a Sue in their lives. Sue is caring, warm and friendly in her approach. She puts you at ease and definitely goes that extra mile to make sure you have the best experience for your needs. My mind needed de-cluttering and with Sue’s coaching techniques of clearing out the old to bring in the new, after just a few sessions my mind was much clearer. Sue is gifted in knowing how to help by adapting sessions and making them a special personal journey. The techniques she uses make you feel very safe and relaxed. I highly recommend that anyone seeking to change their lives for the better get in touch with her. Sue will listen and advise, always putting your needs first. Thanks for being you Sue” – Katharine

“I can’t thank Sue enough for giving me my happy life back. I’ve always been a fun loving ‘glass half full’ kind of person but a series of major life events, work stresses and family health issues left me feeling like life was way more hard work than pleasure. As a strong and proud person, admitting I needed help and asking for it was extremely difficult as I felt like a failure, and to be honest the support I received from the local health services was not great. The sessions with Sue were fantastic. Sue shows great compassion and empathy and tailored the sessions to me. She helped me to understand how my mind works. The challenges in my life haven’t changed but how I react to them has! I have been to hell and back this last year but the sessions with Sue and the homework she set have been great fun and I am once again that happy person, looking forward to each new day. Please don’t wait as long as I did to ask for help, call Sue now.” – Charlotte

“Where do I start? Since attending  life coaching with Sue my life has improved in so many ways. She’s helped me realise that I can achieve my goals and overcome my fears. Before completing my sessions with Sue I was controlled by my insecurities and doubts and I talked myself out of situations that would make me feel anxious. I constantly spoke negative about myself and had no confidence in my abilities. Well, no more! I have found my confidence again, I hold myself high, I stand up for myself, face my fears and more. Sue is unbelievable! Her encouragement, knowledge, understanding and kindness is rewarding.” – Nicola

Click the button for prices

What If I’m Still Not Sure?

I understand you might be nervous about making changes and investing in yourself. You’re probably way down on your list of priorities or things to do. But isn’t it about time you started taking care of yourself for a change? Don’t you long to be happy?

If you would like to have a chat with me to see if it’s right for you then that’s ok. You can book in for a FREE no obligation consultation where we can decide if we’re a right fit to work together or not.

I only work with people who are truly committed to change and so if you think this is you but you just need that final push, then please complete your details on the form and I’ll be in touch with you asap to arrange a Curiosity Call.